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We're so glad you're joining us!

You've probably got questions; these details might help....


Everything you need to know is here


Please arrive between 5 & 5:30pm to enjoy some canapes and avoid interrupting the ceremony which starts at 6

Dress code

We aren't royalty so no need to go over the top but no shorts, jandals etc please... you're going to be immortalised in photos :)


The chefs at Forlino will be preparing you four courses of fine Italian fare.  If you have dietary restrictions please let us know in your RSVP


There will be freeflow soft drinks, juices, beer & wine during the meal and a cash bar all night with spirits


Not an easy decision for us to make but it's an adult party, people will be drinking and the venue is small.  Please consider this a date night and book the babysitter 

Social Media

Please tag any posts on social media with #forriever so other guests can enjoy them with you!

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